China Coal Mengda (Inner Mongolia) MTO Project Start-up Successfully
Trade News
Trade News
Seven Coal Chemical Bases Plan in ChinaSeven Coal Chemical Bases Plan in China     Time:2009-06-02 10:30    column:Trade News
China has planned to build up seven coal chemical bases, which contained middle and lower Yellow River, eastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Heilongjiang, Jiangsu-Shandong-Henan-Anhui, central China, Yunnan-Guizhou and Sinkiang. According to the primary planning, large scale methanol, DME and Coal to Liquid(CTL) bases would be formed in middle and lower Yellow River, eastern Inner Mongolia and Sinkiang. The area of the middle and lower Yellow River located in the interface of Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and Ninxia province. According to the planning, there will be 11,000kta-scale Coal to Liquid, 7,000kta-scale DME, that is the largest alternative fossil fules production base. The CTL industrial experiment plants of the most powerful China coal groups such as Shenhua group and Yan mine are located in this area.

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